Stakeholder Workshop Nov 10th, 2022
The #SafeSecLab Faculty was delighted to welcome DI Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA HOLDING AG and Executive Business Director Digital Services Detlev Henze from TÜV TRUST IT, TÜV AUSTRIA Group.
Introductory words were spoken by DI Dr. Stefan Haas, DI Christoph Schwald (both TÜV AUSTRIA AG) and Prof. Sebastian Schlund (TU Wien). The latter recapitulated the content of last year´s faculty meetings.
Keynote Prof. Thilo Sauter
Afterwards, Prof. Thilo Sauter (TU Wien and Danube University Krems) gave the keynote “Safety & Security in Industrial Automation – A Need for a Holistic View”.
Joint Publications
The Joint Publications were also presented for the first time at the Stakeholder Workshop. At the Faculty Meeting in April 2022 in the Technology & Innovation Center (TIC) – TÜV AUSTRIA, the #SafeSecLab PhDs were given the task of determining target groups that fit the topic of their projects.
Bernhard Brenner, Siegfried Hollerer and Pushparaj Bhosale dedicated their joint publication “Better safe than sorry: Risk management based on a safety-augmented NIDS” to the target group of Asset Owners.
The second joint publication “Safety and Security Interaction Management Methodology in Reconfigurable Cobot System” by Ali Hosseini, Clara Fischer and Mukund Bhole shows the points of contact to the System Integrators.
The Developers are the target group of the third joint publication “Controlling an Industrial Robot via a Hybrid Trojan: Security and Safety in Industry 4.0” by Sofia Maragkou and Bernd Hader.
During the break, the PhDs had time to discuss their posters with DI Dr. Stefan Haas, Detlev Henze, the representatives of the stakeholders and the #SafeSecLab faculty members.