Scientific Advisory Board Meeting #1
03. Dezember 2020
On December 3rd, 2020 the first – Corona-related online – Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting took place. After Wolfgang Kastner’s words of welcome, he introduced the SAB members and the #safeseclab faculty (PhDs and supervisors). Then Christoph Schwald (TÜV AUSTRIA) and Sebastian Schlund (TU Wien) presented the project “TÜV AUSTRIA #SafeSecLab, Research Lab for Safety & Security in Industry”. Motivation and status quo were described as well as the goals set.
Then the SAB members, Prof. Dr. Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jasperneite, Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Wollschlaeger was given an overview in two sessions of the #safeseclab PhD students, whose projects and work progress are being achieved.
In the first round, Siegfried Hollerer (PhD 1), Ali Hosseini (PhD 2) and Raj Bhosale (PhD 5) presented their work. The second round was opened by Bernhard Brenner (PhD 3), followed by Clara Fischer (PhD 4), Maximilian Papa (PhD 9) and Sofia Maragkou (PhD 7). The subsequent feedback rounds were moderated by Thilo Sauter and Wolfgang Kastner.
Finally, the next steps were summarized. The next planned SAB meeting will hopefully take place in Vienna in March 2021.