SAB Workshop 2022
Workshop Scientific Advisory Board, Nov 11. 2022
This year Prof. Jürgen Jasperneite and Prof. Norbert Pohlmann took part on site and Gabi Dreo Rodosek online at the annual meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of TÜV AUSTRIA #SafeSecLabs. At the beginning of the all-day workshop, Christoph Schwald and Prof. Wolfgang Kastner once again emphasized the topicality of the topic SAFETY & SECURITY in industry. The work in the TÜV AUSTRIA Research Lab for Safety & Security in Industry #SafeSecLab makes a valuable contribution to this.
All projects in the #SafeSecLab are fully staffed. There were changes on the Executive Board: Alexandra Markis left the #SafeSecLab. In her place, Thomas Doms was warmly welcomed to the Executive Board.
Afterwards, Wolfgang Kastner recalled the feedback of the scientific advisory board from 2021 in a review.
"The PhDs should not treat the goals of their projects too theoretically and should take into account the interdisciplinarity and the overlaps between the nine projects in order to bring the "Safety & Security" approach of the whole project even more to the fore".
Wolfgang Kastner then presented the progress achieved in 2022 in the #SafeSecLab. These include the publications, highlights and the 2022 annual report. In addition to the previous items “Introduction with Highlights”, “Individual PhD Updates”, “Dissemination Activities” and “Outlook (Deliverable Plan)”, the structure of the 2022 Annual Report was expanded to include the items “Three Joint Publications” and “Contact Point to Stakeholders” (see also below). The #SafeSecLab stakeholders include Beckhoff, Bosch-Rexroth, Frequentis, OMV, Post and TTTech.
Presentation of the individual Projects 1-9
In the next step, the students presented their individual project progress. After the exciting presentations, lively discussions developed with the members of the scientific advisory board and the #SafeSecLab faculty, so that more time was given to this part of the day.
From Left to the Right: Siegfried Hollerer (P1), Ali Hosseini (P2), Bernhard Brenner (P3), Clara Fischer (P4), Pushparaj Bhosale (P5), Mukund Bhole (P6), Sofia Maragkou (P7), Bernd Hader (P8) and Maximilian Papa (P9).
At the Faculty Meeting in April 2022 @TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center, the PhDs were given the main task of looking for an “integrated view of safety and security”. As a second task, the PhDs should form teams and define the target groups of their projects.
The three sub-groups formed each wrote a “joint publication” according to the target groups.
Asset Owners
JP 1: „Better Safe Than Sorry: Risk Management based on a Safety Augmented
Network Intrusion Detection System“, by Siegfried Hollerer (P1), Bernhard Brenner (P3) and Pushparaj Bhosale (P5).
System Integrators
JP 2: „Safety and Security Interaction Management Methodology in Reconfigurable Cobot System“, von Ali Hosseini (P2), Clara Fischer (P4) and Mukund Bhole (P6).
JP 3: „Controlling a Collaborative Robot via a Hybrid Trojan: Security and Safety in Industry 4.0“, by Sofia Maragkou (P7) and Bernd Hader (P8).
The publications were presented and the SAB members gave feedback.
Meeting Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Execurive Board (EB) Mitgliedern
In a subsequent meeting, the SAB and EB members discussed the progress made and the next steps in the #SafeSecLab.
Closed Session SAB Members
In a closed round, the SAB members then discussed the feedback for the #SafeSecLab Faculty.
Immediately afterwards, the SAB members gave their feedback to the PhDs and the entire #SafeSecLab faculty.
" You are focusing on a good area, on problems, which really must be solved".
At the end of the workshop, we went for a walk through Vienna’s city center for dinner.